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Akasuri Body Scrub


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Duration: 45 mins

Unveil your skin’s radiant glow with the Akasuri body scrub, a traditional Japanese full-body exfoliating scrub that uses vigorous rubbing to remove dead skin cells and renew the skin’s natural glow.
Akasuri Body Scrub, often referred to simply as Akasuri, is a traditional Korean exfoliating and cleansing treatment that originated in Korea’s bathhouse culture. This treatment is known for its thorough exfoliation and skin-smoothing benefits. The term “Akasuri” translates to “red scrub” in Japanese, which is a nod to the reddish hue of the exfoliating mitt traditionally used in this practice.

Key elements of the Akasuri Body Scrub session include:

Steam or Soak: The treatment often begins with a steam or soak in warm water to soften the skin and open the pores. This step is typically performed in a spa’s wet area or bathhouse.
Exfoliation: The therapist uses a specialized exfoliating mitt or scrubbing cloth, known as an “Akasuri mitt,” to vigorously scrub and exfoliate the entire body. This process removes dead skin cells, promotes circulation, and leaves the skin feeling incredibly smooth.
Technique: The therapist uses sweeping, circular motions with the mitt to ensure thorough exfoliation. The mitt’s texture helps remove impurities and toxins from the skin’s surface.
Focus on Rough Areas: Particular attention is given to rough or calloused areas of the body, such as the elbows, knees, and heels.
Rinsing: After the exfoliation, the client is rinsed off to remove the loosened dead skin cells and any remaining scrubbing residue.
Moisturization: Following the treatment, moisturizing lotion or oil is applied to rehydrate and nourish the newly revealed skin.

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